Friday, June 01, 2007

troPOOcal adventure

these photos were submited by my friend Kristen in los angeles. these were taken on her hawaiian vacation. thanks!
and to everyone else out there who has turds of their own, send in those pictures!!!


Chris Battle said...

I was gonna make a joke about the pu-pu platter, but that would be lame.

Anonymous said...

i hate it when there are turds on the beach. beaches should be no poop zones!

poopmagnet said...

Wow that looks so beautiful! That must have been some vacation to leave that little guy behind!

Shellie K said...

Just got my "LUCY OWL" at Metro Park...(yeah)
I lOVE it..and so does my "little one" who just stares,points and smiles...

Unknown said...

ahhhh... I love the photos on your blog... they make me smile..., and yer poops are so POOP-u-lar hmmm? ---ahhhh lame, i had to doo it.