The elusive dirt snake slithers out of hiding on a regular basis. This particular specimen is approx. 3 feet in length, girth is unknown. when you come across a dirt snake, it is best to let this creature pass naturally on it's way. humans who try to frighten, or pinch the dirt snake only live to regret a venomous bite on the buttocks.
do dirt snakes leave skid marks as they slither about?
That is the funniest post by far!
I think i just fell in love with you.
ha ha! a shit snake!
Is that a POOP SNAKE? LOL!
I'm scared!
dirt snake ....wait......ewwwwww
I'd let that snake bite my buns any day.
Awesome stuff, I am your fan!
I like the fact that you took the time to develop a whole story around the dirt snake. You should do that with all your poo. Both real and fake.
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